Tag: behavioral economics

  • Realize your dreams through sound decision making

    Realize your dreams through sound decision making

    In an article in the FOCUS Online Expert Circle, I explain the biggest mistake made in decision-making and how to avoid it easily.

    The biggest mistake is that many people are content with the default decision-making situations and don’t actively engage with what they should (actually) be deciding on. It’s important to think outside the box and (pro-)actively take control of our own decisions.

    And there is hope! Proactive decision making is a skill that anyone can learn. An effective approach is to think through every decision-making situation with three key questions in mind:

    1. how can we best define decision-making situations?

    2. how can we identify the objectives relevant to a decision?

    3. how do we discover particularly good options for action?

    I answer these and other questions in the interview. Read the full article here: https://www.focus.de/experts/fundierte-entscheidungsfindung-stellen-sie-sich-drei-schluesselfragen-um-traeume-zu-verwirklichen_id_259706293.html

    I also talk about the importance of being your own decision architect – a concept I explore in more depth in my TEDxTalk.

    English TEDxTalk: https://bit.ly/TEDxTalkSiebert

    German translation: https://bit.ly/TEDxTalkText

    Looking for more in-depth insights? My free online course “Proactively making smart decisions” is waiting for you with comprehensive material – ideal for a rainy February. Discover strategies for making smart decisions and expand your horizons from the comfort of your own home. Register now and take the opportunity to expand your knowledge!

    Discover the course: https://imoox.at/course/smartentscheiden

    Stay up to date, and don’t miss any of my posts in the FOCUS Online Expert Circle. Follow me and network with me for exciting insights and current discussions. I look forward to exchanging ideas with you!