For more than 15 years, I gained many teaching experiences in decision sciences and behavioral economics. It inspires me to help individuals and organizations to become better decision makers because it has a substantial impact. In studies, for example, we were able to show that good, proactive decision-making can be trained in my courses and that, as a result, participants are not only more satisfied with their decisions, but also more satisfied with their lives. My free MOOC “”Proaktive smarte Entscheidungen treffen” is one of the top-rated offerings on the IMoox platform.

I give courses and keynotes on decision making for a broad variety of different audiences ranging from high school, bachelor, master, MBA, and doctorial students over managers, consultants, and policy makers to the general public. All different audiences have different needs and interests.

High school students have to decide what to do after school, a decision that provides the basis for their lives in the future. Schools and other organizations provide them with lots of information about potential alternatives such as studies, apprenticeships, one-year volunteer service, etc. However, they do not know what they want (their objectives) and how to make a decision. Further information on projects in which students are taught the necessary decision-making skills can be found in the research section or directly at

Consultants are, in particular, interested in three things. 1) How to identify and minimize decision making biases such as overconfidence or opti-/pessimism that influence the decisions of their clients. 2) How to create sound decision models which can be applied in practice easily. 3) How to change their business model from “being the fire brigade” (problem solver) to “establishing long-lasting relationships with their clients” (decision opportunities creator).

In order to offer high-quality education and training in decision making, it is crucial to combine research and practice. To the best of my knowledge, I am the only one in German-speaking countries who is very active in research on improving decision making (see research) and has substantial experience in helping individuals and organizations improve their decision making (see consulting). This enables me to give unique courses and keynotes.

 Target groups

Everyone who want to improve his or her decision making skills.