Tag Archives: gute Entscheidung

In an article in the FOCUS Online Expert Circle, I explain the biggest mistake made in decision-making and how to avoid it easily. The biggest mistake is that many people are content with the default decision-making situations and don’t actively engage with what they should (actually) be deciding on. It’s important to think outside the box and (pro-)actively take control of our own decisions. And there is hope! Proactive decision making is a skill that anyone can learn. An effective approach is to think through every decision-making situation with three key questions in mind: 1. how can we best define decision-making situations? 2. how can we identify the objectives relevant to a decision? 3. how do we discover particularly good options for action? I answer these and other questions in the interview. Read the full article here: https://www.focus.de/experts/fundierte-entscheidungsfindung-stellen-sie-sich-drei-schluesselfragen-um-traeume-zu-verwirklichen_id_259706293.html I also talk about the importance of being your own decision architect…

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