Author Archives: Johannes.Siebert

Veröffentlichung Schlüchtermann, Jörg; Siebert, Johannes U. “Industrie 4.0 und Controlling: Erste Konturen zeichnen sich ab“. Schwerpunktheft „Controlling & Industrie 4.0“ der Controlling:Zeitschrift für erfolgsorientierte Unternehmenssteuerung, August/September 2015, 461-465. DOI:  10.15358/0935-0381-2015-8-9-461 This paper discusses the economic potentials of Industry 4.0, its interaction with Big Data, and provides implications for companies in general and for management control in particular.

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Germany is facing a huge disruptive change in its energy system. The speed of the transition from the fossil fuel and nuclear energy age to the renewable energies had been tremendously accelerated after Fukushima and the government´s decision to phase out of nuclear energy in the next 10 years. Therefore, traditional German utilities must make far-reaching decisions for ensuring long-term competitiveness. For that purpose, they need to define the future strategy and to agree on the right steps for its implementation. In the following 20 years decentralized renewable energy solutions, cost intensive offshore wind parks and the decommissioning of centralized conventional power plants have to be planned and realized. However, like in other industries, there is the tendency to deal with various decision problems isolated from each other without focusing on the big picture. Thereby it is often only vague defined what and how should be achieved. Furthermore, the search…

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